Monday, February 25, 2008

Basic Information

Name: Andrew Share
Age: 16
Nationality: British Mix Asian
Hometown: Crawley
Current Residence: Three Bridges
Occupation: Student
Siblings (describe relationship):
Spouse (describe relationship):
Children (describe relationship):
Grandparents (describe relationship):
Grandchildren (describe relationship):
Significant Others (describe relationship):
Relationship skills: Very Friendly and considerate person
Physical Characteristics: Extremely active and enjoys sport
Height: 5’6
Weight: 9st
Race: Sikh
Skin colour: Toned yellow brown
Shape of Face: round
Distinguishing features: Bulky Features
Habits: Tends to smoke when socializing with friends
Health: good
Style (Elegant, shabby etc.): Cheeky but emotional
Greatest flaw: At job interviews
Best quality: Always giving 100%
Which character from a thriller film is your character most likened to? He usually tends to hide anything that threatens him, he likes to solve his own problems but this can lead to continuous failure.

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes
Educational Background: Tries to keep himself mentally strong and focus
Intelligence Level: above average but never makes the most of his intelligence
Any Mental Illnesses? Depression
Character's short-term goals in life: To succeed every task properly
Character's long-term goals in life: To fulfil his dream as a rapper and to become rich
How self-confident is the character? Can be confidant but tends to be shy
What would most embarrass this character? People finding out anything, which is quite personal to him

How the Character is involved in the Story
Character's role in the thriller (Protagonist/antagonist etc.): Protagonist trying to fight his own fears
Scene where character first appears: In the park with his girlfriend, walking and chatting away.
Relationships with other characters:
1. Character's Name: Girlfriend – Deeply in love with his girlfriend and cares so much for her. But because he hasn’t had no one that cares for him back he tends to have an extremely over protective with her which leads him having depression and worried that she might leave him.
2. Character's Name: Brother - Tends to be slightly frightened from him because of his brother past history. Brother will not tolerate anyone messing with his family and will do anything to take revenge. Very Stubborn character and single minded.
How character is different at the end of the film from when the film began: He starts off him being very caring and seem to be a decent guy as the story leads it begins to show a very over protective and ignorant side of him. He then becomes confused as he is drawn into his brothers words and falling to do the wrong thing, as he is scared of losing his girlfriend.

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